刊名: 教学与研究
Teaching and Research
主办: 中国人民大学
周期: 月刊
语种: 中文;
开本: 大16开
ISSN: 0257-2826
CN: 11-1454/G4
邮发代号: 2-256
CSSCI 中文社会科学引文索引(2012—2013)来源期刊(含扩展版)
【作者】 刘东芳
【机构】 浙江省松阳县第一中学
【摘要】评判性阅读是一种深层次的阅读, 是培养学生评判性思维的重要途径。在高中英语阅读教学中引入评判性阅读及其相关策略,可以指导学生掌握运用评判性阅读策略,促使学生深入理解语篇,促使学生的主动阅读,激发学生的积极思维,最终形成学生的评判性阅读能力。然而很多教师对在何处实施评判性阅读表示很茫然。事实上文本中不是所有的地方都值得采用评判性阅读教学。有些内容虽然蕴含有评判性思维,但不是文本的重点,开展评判性阅读教学意义不太。文本以具体的教学课例为载体,通过分析案例中的教学设计片段,尝试并实践如何在阅读教学中找准评判性思维的激发点继而开展评判性阅读教学。【关键词】阅读教学;评判性阅读;激发点
1. 至关重要的转折点
【案例1】必修教材第二模块Unit1 Reading: In Search of the Amber Room。该文本介绍俄罗斯稀世珍宝“琥珀屋”的有关史实。主要内容包括:琥珀屋的来历和建造过程;为什么普鲁士国王把琥珀屋赠送给了沙皇;琥珀屋是怎么成为稀世珍宝的;琥珀屋在二战中的神秘失踪以及新琥珀屋的重建。文章围绕着琥珀屋的“建造﹑传承﹑失踪以及再建”展开。这是一篇属于记叙类文体的文本,在阅读此类文体时要求学生的注意力集中在获取事实信息上。有些事件在整个发展过程中是至关重要的转折点,这些转折之处无不承载着贯穿文本主线的责任,同时涵盖着深层次内容,值得开展评判性阅读教学。因此在执教过程中教师就积极引导学生深度解读这几处转折点,激发学生的评判性思维。
1)In fact, the room was not made to be a gift. It was designed for the palace of FrederickⅠ. However, the next king of Prussia, Frederick WilliamⅠ, to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it.(转折)
T: Why did FrederickⅠdesign the amber room?
S: He designed it as his palace.
T: What did the next king do to the amber room and why?
S: He gave it to Peter the Great because he didn’t want to keep it.
T: Why didn’t Frederick WilliamⅠwant to keep it?
S: Because he wanted a troop of best soldiers from Peter the Great.
T: What is more important to Frederick WilliamⅠ, a troop of best soldiers or the amber room?
S: A troop of best soldiers.
T: Can you guess why A troop of best soldiers was more important to Frederick WilliamⅠat that time?
Ss: Maybe because when he became the king, his country was in a mess and he needed best soldiers to protect his power or country; Because he decided to invade other country.
T: What kind of man Frederick WilliamⅠis? What about FrederickⅠ?
S: Frederick WilliamⅠis more ambitious than FrederickⅠ.
T: Suppose if Frederick WilliamⅠknew the real prize of the amber room at that time, do you think he would gave it to Peter the Great or not?
S: Maybe not.
T: Me too. Because at the beginning of this passage the author could us that Frederick WilliamⅠcould never have imagined that his great gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. And if he was in great need of the army, he would consider others.
2) Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace, the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects from the Amber room. However, some of the Nazis secretly stole the room itself. In less than two days 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven wooden boxes.(转折)
T: What can you see from these numbers?
S: The Nazis tried their best to steal the Amber room.
T: Why did they steal the amber room?
S: It was a treasure.
T: Do you remember who made the amber room?
S: FrederickⅠ, the king of Prussia.
T: Which country Prussia is?
S: Sorry, I don’t know.
T: It was Prussia and now is Germany. So what is the other reason why they stole the amber room?
S: It once belonged to their country.
3) Recently, the Russians and Germans have built a new Amber room at the summer palace. By studying old photos of the former Amber room, they have made the new one look like the old one. In 2003 it was ready for the people of St Peterburg when they celebrated the 300th birthday of their city.(转折)
T: Let’s review the following content together. Which country did the Amber room first belong to?
S: Prussia.
T: Yes. It is later called Germany. Prussia gave the Amber room to Peter the Great. What was the Amber room considered as?
S: It was considered as a gift.
T: That’s right. Later what happened?
S: Two countries were at war. The Nazis tried their best to steal the Amber room.
T: But recently, the Russians and Germans have built a new Amber room at the summer palace. Do you know why they rebuilt it together?
Ss: they were not at war then; they knew that it is a cultural relics and they had to protect it.
T: That’s to say: they were in peace and protecting cultural relics is our common responsibilities.
S: Yes.
T: So what was the Amber room considered as this time?
S: A symbol of peace.
【说明】作者在文本开头就直截了当地向读者介绍Frederick WilliamⅠ当年把amber room作为礼物送给Peter the Great,却未曾想到此礼物竟有如此奇特的历史。很显然,这句话是这篇文章的总起句,其中蕴含的重点信息为:最好的礼物和惊人的历史。而紧接着作者在第二段的开头就告知读者一个事实即琥珀屋不是作为礼物而被设计制造的。那么,是什么缘由促使琥珀屋成为礼物就值得我们去关注;同时这也是琥珀屋奇特历史中一个至关重要的转折点。因此,把握事件发展中的转折点,通过思考Frederick WilliamⅠ对琥珀屋的做法和态度来帮助学生理清事件的发展过程就显得尤为重要。而在之后的事件发展中,纳粹党偷偷地盗取琥珀屋也就成了琥珀奇特历史中的另一个重要转折时刻,同时这一事件使两国合作重建琥珀屋成为了可能。那么带领学生深度解读为什么纳粹党偷取琥珀屋就能帮助学生了解进一步的发展时态。而最终两国联手重建琥珀屋是其游走于两国之间,几经破折之后的最后归属。在此刻,不仅掌握了琥珀屋的历史而且通过琥珀屋的历史了解了发生在两国之间的历史。“不仅要读出文本本身及字里行间的意思,还要体会文本背后所隐藏的涵义﹑背景及文化”(赵晓琴,2013:170)
2. 值得关注的对比处
【案例2】必修教材第二模块Unit2的单元话题是奥林匹克运动会,容易引起学生兴趣。Reading部分: An interview是一个虚拟的采访,即一位古希腊的作家与2008北京奥运会的志愿者对话。采访中的问题是文本内容的关键和线索。作者通过一问一答的对话向读者介绍奥林匹克运动的发展和现在的基本情况。在对话中,不乏有古代奥运与现代奥运的对比与不同。
P: Winter Games? How can the runners enjoy competing in winter? And what about the horses?
L: Oh, no! There are no running races or horse riding events. Instead there are competitions like skiing and ice skating which need snow and ice. That’s why they’re called the Winter Games. It is in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races, together with swimming, sailing and all the team sports.(对比)
T: Was there Winter Games in ancient time?
S: No.
T: Why do you think so?
S: Because P felt puzzled about Winter Games from his questions.
T:What can competitors compete in Winter Games?
S: There are competitions like skiing and ice skating which need snow and ice.
T: Why did Li Yan tell P something about Summer Olympics?
S: Because there are no running races or horse riding events in Winter Olympics but there are in Summer Olympics.
T: Are you sure there are these two events in Summer Olympics?
S: I am not sure about horse riding event because L never mentioned.
T: why Li Yan mentioned swimming, sailing and all the team sports?
S: Sorry, I don’t know.
T:Can you swim and sail on snowfield or ice?
S: No.
T: when would you swim and sail?
S: In summer.
【说明】It is in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races, together with swimming, sailing and all the team sports 这句话包含了好几处对比。通过分析这句话,不仅梳理表层信息即帕萨尼亚斯提出的问题,而且帮助学生了解文本中深层次信息即古代和现代奥运的不同,达到了对阅读材料的深刻理解。
【案例3】必修教材第一模块Unit3 Reading: Journey Down the Mekong PartⅠThe dream and the plan,讲述的是主人公王坤和姐姐王薇想骑山地车旅行,大学毕业后约表兄弟一起,选定了沿着云南西部的澜沧江,也就是湄公河作为旅游路线。他们选择海拔5000多米,空气非常稀薄的高山作为骑车旅行的起点,这注定是一次非常刺激的旅行经历。在安排行程的过程中,姐弟两人商榷磨合,体现出不同的性格特征与情感态度,同时表现出团队合作精神。通过查阅资料,他们知道了河流的特点和流向,沿途所经过的地形等,增长了地理方面的知识,开阔了视野。虽然题目显示的是两方面的内容即梦想与计划,但这篇文章主要讲的是The plan of journey down the Mekong,而梦想只在第一段的第一句话有所涉及。其实第一段是谈论计划的准备,第二段是计划些什么,第三段是计划的实施。
1)Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to the places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly. Now I know that the proper way is always her way(对比)…….I know my sister well. Once she had made up her mind, nothing can change it. Finally I had to give in.
T: Did Wang Kun know that her sister could organize the trip properly at that time?
S: No.
T: Why do you think so?
S: Wang Kun said “Now I know that the proper way is always her way”.
T:What is her way?
S: She didn’t care about details instead of giving a determined look, not changing her mind and thinking that it would be an interesting experience when heard about trouble.
T:What about Wang Kun’s way?
S: looked for information first and then talked with his sister.
T: Wang Kun didn’t believe her sister could give proper way and why did Wang Kun give in?
S: Once she had made up her mind, nothing can change it.
T: In Wang Kun’s eyes, what kind of man Wang Wei is?
S: Stubborn.
T: Did Wang Kun like such a person?
S: He likes.
T: How do you know?
S: Wang Kun said “Now I know that the proper way is always her way”.
T: So in Wang Kun’s eyes, the stubborn shortcoming always plays an important role in making up mind.
【说明】本片段节选自第二段即计划些什么。Now I know that the proper way is always her way这句话表面上看似是王坤对王薇不同时间段的不同认识,实则是在介绍两个人的不同性格﹑不同性格计划的方向不同以及不同性格对计划实施产生不同的作用。
3. 大有文章的承接
【案例4】必修教材第一模块Unit1 Reading: Anne’s Best Friend这篇文章由安妮为什么选择日记作为她的朋友以及她的一篇日记这部分组成。讲述了犹太女孩安妮为躲避纳粹的迫害而藏身小阁楼25个月,
1) Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend.(承接)
T: What does the first kind in the last sentence refer to?
S: A friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts.
T: What could Anne do in her diary?
S: She could tell everything like your deepest feelings and thoughts to her diary.
T: Why didn’t she choose man like her classmates to tell everything to?
Ss: Maybe she had no friends or classmates; maybe she had no chance to meet her friends or classmates.
T: And why she had no friend or no chance to meet her friend.
S: Anny was Jewish and Nazis wanted to catch her.
T: Great. Let’s read the next paragraph and find out more information.
2) I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I was here. (承接)
…For example, …
T: What does that in the last sentence refer to?
S: A deep blue sky, the song of birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.
T: What did that turn into?
S: I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.
T: What made me change?
S: Because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long.
T: That’s my attitude towards nature changed.
S: Yes.
T: What may the next paragraph talk about?
S: A time when I was crazy about everything to do with nature when I was here.
【说明】在Anne’s Best Friend 中不管是第一部分的背景介绍还是第
二部分的安妮日记正文,它的关键词都是feeling。那么,教师要有意识地培养学生抓住主线,挖掘有价值的文本信息。Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend这句话的起到承上启下的作用。承接上面的内容即选择日记为情感倾述对象,引出下面的事实即为什么选择日记作为情感倾述对象。That’s changed since I was here 也起到同样的作用。在引导学生整理主人公情感态度变化的同时,还引导学生运用预测这一评判性阅读策略。在这个过渡阶段,开展对内容的预测有利于评判性阅读教学。
【案例5】必修教材第一模块Unit3 Reading: Journey Down Mekong。
1) It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. Now she is planning our schedule for the trip.(承接)
T: What is the trip?
S: To cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.
T: Why did they choose to cycle?
S: Because they had a dream about taking a bike trip.
T: Why did they choose to travel along the Mekong River?
S: Because last year Wang Wei visited their cousins who grew up in western Yunnan province near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river called the Mekong River in other countries.
T: You know when she visited there she was interested in it.
S: Yes.
T: Did they have the plan for the trip?
S: Yes.
T: How do you know?
S: Wang Wei is planning the schedule now.
T: So what will the following be about?
S: About planning the schedule.
T:Can you guess how did she plan the schedule?
Ss: she planned with her brother; she surfed on the internet.
【说明】Journey Down the Mekong PartⅠThe dream and the plan,题目显示的是两方面的内容即梦想与计划,但这篇文章主要讲的是The plan of journey down the Mekong,而梦想只在第一段的第一句话有所涉及。其实第一段是谈论计划的准备,第二段是计划些什么,第三段是计划的实施。这个任务的设计帮助学生有效地把握文本主线,做到了对文本结构的分析。
必修教材第一模块Unit4 的中心话题是Earthquakes, 该单元阅读课标题是: A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep,叙述了1976年的唐山大地震,全文包括震前预兆、震中损伤及震后救助等内容。
Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei. (概括)… But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night. (转折).
At 3:42 am everything began to shake. It seemed as if the world was at an end. (概括). …
But how could the survivors believe it was natural? Everywhere?they?looked?nearly?everything?was?destroyed. (概括) …Then, later that afternoon, another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one shook Tangshan. (承接) …
All hope was not lost. (概括) … slowly, the city began to breathe again.
Activity one: find out the key sentence of each paragraph.
Activity two: read each paragraph carefully and answer the following questions.
Q1: What strange things happened?
Q2: Why would people ignore strange signs?
Q3: What the world become after earthquake? Give specific information.
Q4: How did survivor think of the natural disaster?
Q5: What were survivors worried about?
Q6: What did survivors’ hope lie in?
Activity three: sum up the whole passage
【说明】A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep这篇文章的特点是全文结构清晰,内容层层相扣,理解较为简单。学生在快速阅读之后基本能找到这个段落的主题句。根据主题句细读每一段可以整体有效地把握文章内容。最后设计写概要促使学生运用评判性阅读策略。
[1]葛炳芳. 2013. 英语阅读教学综合视野:内容、思维和语言[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社.
[2]陈玉香. 2010. 新课程标准下的高中英语阅读教学新探[J]. 中小学英语教学与研究,7: 48-50.
[3]葛炳芳. 2013. 英语阅读教学综合视野:内容、思维和语言[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社.
[4]张成年﹑金毅﹑王燕﹑郑园. 2015. 英语阅读教学中评判性思维:阐释与评鉴[M]. 杭州:浙江大学出版社.
[5]赵晓琴. 2013.评判性阅读教学的基本环节[J]. 时代教育,7: 168-170.
1. 至关重要的转折点
【案例1】必修教材第二模块Unit1 Reading: In Search of the Amber Room。该文本介绍俄罗斯稀世珍宝“琥珀屋”的有关史实。主要内容包括:琥珀屋的来历和建造过程;为什么普鲁士国王把琥珀屋赠送给了沙皇;琥珀屋是怎么成为稀世珍宝的;琥珀屋在二战中的神秘失踪以及新琥珀屋的重建。文章围绕着琥珀屋的“建造﹑传承﹑失踪以及再建”展开。这是一篇属于记叙类文体的文本,在阅读此类文体时要求学生的注意力集中在获取事实信息上。有些事件在整个发展过程中是至关重要的转折点,这些转折之处无不承载着贯穿文本主线的责任,同时涵盖着深层次内容,值得开展评判性阅读教学。因此在执教过程中教师就积极引导学生深度解读这几处转折点,激发学生的评判性思维。
1)In fact, the room was not made to be a gift. It was designed for the palace of FrederickⅠ. However, the next king of Prussia, Frederick WilliamⅠ, to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it.(转折)
T: Why did FrederickⅠdesign the amber room?
S: He designed it as his palace.
T: What did the next king do to the amber room and why?
S: He gave it to Peter the Great because he didn’t want to keep it.
T: Why didn’t Frederick WilliamⅠwant to keep it?
S: Because he wanted a troop of best soldiers from Peter the Great.
T: What is more important to Frederick WilliamⅠ, a troop of best soldiers or the amber room?
S: A troop of best soldiers.
T: Can you guess why A troop of best soldiers was more important to Frederick WilliamⅠat that time?
Ss: Maybe because when he became the king, his country was in a mess and he needed best soldiers to protect his power or country; Because he decided to invade other country.
T: What kind of man Frederick WilliamⅠis? What about FrederickⅠ?
S: Frederick WilliamⅠis more ambitious than FrederickⅠ.
T: Suppose if Frederick WilliamⅠknew the real prize of the amber room at that time, do you think he would gave it to Peter the Great or not?
S: Maybe not.
T: Me too. Because at the beginning of this passage the author could us that Frederick WilliamⅠcould never have imagined that his great gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. And if he was in great need of the army, he would consider others.
2) Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace, the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects from the Amber room. However, some of the Nazis secretly stole the room itself. In less than two days 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven wooden boxes.(转折)
T: What can you see from these numbers?
S: The Nazis tried their best to steal the Amber room.
T: Why did they steal the amber room?
S: It was a treasure.
T: Do you remember who made the amber room?
S: FrederickⅠ, the king of Prussia.
T: Which country Prussia is?
S: Sorry, I don’t know.
T: It was Prussia and now is Germany. So what is the other reason why they stole the amber room?
S: It once belonged to their country.
3) Recently, the Russians and Germans have built a new Amber room at the summer palace. By studying old photos of the former Amber room, they have made the new one look like the old one. In 2003 it was ready for the people of St Peterburg when they celebrated the 300th birthday of their city.(转折)
T: Let’s review the following content together. Which country did the Amber room first belong to?
S: Prussia.
T: Yes. It is later called Germany. Prussia gave the Amber room to Peter the Great. What was the Amber room considered as?
S: It was considered as a gift.
T: That’s right. Later what happened?
S: Two countries were at war. The Nazis tried their best to steal the Amber room.
T: But recently, the Russians and Germans have built a new Amber room at the summer palace. Do you know why they rebuilt it together?
Ss: they were not at war then; they knew that it is a cultural relics and they had to protect it.
T: That’s to say: they were in peace and protecting cultural relics is our common responsibilities.
S: Yes.
T: So what was the Amber room considered as this time?
S: A symbol of peace.
【说明】作者在文本开头就直截了当地向读者介绍Frederick WilliamⅠ当年把amber room作为礼物送给Peter the Great,却未曾想到此礼物竟有如此奇特的历史。很显然,这句话是这篇文章的总起句,其中蕴含的重点信息为:最好的礼物和惊人的历史。而紧接着作者在第二段的开头就告知读者一个事实即琥珀屋不是作为礼物而被设计制造的。那么,是什么缘由促使琥珀屋成为礼物就值得我们去关注;同时这也是琥珀屋奇特历史中一个至关重要的转折点。因此,把握事件发展中的转折点,通过思考Frederick WilliamⅠ对琥珀屋的做法和态度来帮助学生理清事件的发展过程就显得尤为重要。而在之后的事件发展中,纳粹党偷偷地盗取琥珀屋也就成了琥珀奇特历史中的另一个重要转折时刻,同时这一事件使两国合作重建琥珀屋成为了可能。那么带领学生深度解读为什么纳粹党偷取琥珀屋就能帮助学生了解进一步的发展时态。而最终两国联手重建琥珀屋是其游走于两国之间,几经破折之后的最后归属。在此刻,不仅掌握了琥珀屋的历史而且通过琥珀屋的历史了解了发生在两国之间的历史。“不仅要读出文本本身及字里行间的意思,还要体会文本背后所隐藏的涵义﹑背景及文化”(赵晓琴,2013:170)
2. 值得关注的对比处
【案例2】必修教材第二模块Unit2的单元话题是奥林匹克运动会,容易引起学生兴趣。Reading部分: An interview是一个虚拟的采访,即一位古希腊的作家与2008北京奥运会的志愿者对话。采访中的问题是文本内容的关键和线索。作者通过一问一答的对话向读者介绍奥林匹克运动的发展和现在的基本情况。在对话中,不乏有古代奥运与现代奥运的对比与不同。
P: Winter Games? How can the runners enjoy competing in winter? And what about the horses?
L: Oh, no! There are no running races or horse riding events. Instead there are competitions like skiing and ice skating which need snow and ice. That’s why they’re called the Winter Games. It is in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races, together with swimming, sailing and all the team sports.(对比)
T: Was there Winter Games in ancient time?
S: No.
T: Why do you think so?
S: Because P felt puzzled about Winter Games from his questions.
T:What can competitors compete in Winter Games?
S: There are competitions like skiing and ice skating which need snow and ice.
T: Why did Li Yan tell P something about Summer Olympics?
S: Because there are no running races or horse riding events in Winter Olympics but there are in Summer Olympics.
T: Are you sure there are these two events in Summer Olympics?
S: I am not sure about horse riding event because L never mentioned.
T: why Li Yan mentioned swimming, sailing and all the team sports?
S: Sorry, I don’t know.
T:Can you swim and sail on snowfield or ice?
S: No.
T: when would you swim and sail?
S: In summer.
【说明】It is in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races, together with swimming, sailing and all the team sports 这句话包含了好几处对比。通过分析这句话,不仅梳理表层信息即帕萨尼亚斯提出的问题,而且帮助学生了解文本中深层次信息即古代和现代奥运的不同,达到了对阅读材料的深刻理解。
【案例3】必修教材第一模块Unit3 Reading: Journey Down the Mekong PartⅠThe dream and the plan,讲述的是主人公王坤和姐姐王薇想骑山地车旅行,大学毕业后约表兄弟一起,选定了沿着云南西部的澜沧江,也就是湄公河作为旅游路线。他们选择海拔5000多米,空气非常稀薄的高山作为骑车旅行的起点,这注定是一次非常刺激的旅行经历。在安排行程的过程中,姐弟两人商榷磨合,体现出不同的性格特征与情感态度,同时表现出团队合作精神。通过查阅资料,他们知道了河流的特点和流向,沿途所经过的地形等,增长了地理方面的知识,开阔了视野。虽然题目显示的是两方面的内容即梦想与计划,但这篇文章主要讲的是The plan of journey down the Mekong,而梦想只在第一段的第一句话有所涉及。其实第一段是谈论计划的准备,第二段是计划些什么,第三段是计划的实施。
1)Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to the places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly. Now I know that the proper way is always her way(对比)…….I know my sister well. Once she had made up her mind, nothing can change it. Finally I had to give in.
T: Did Wang Kun know that her sister could organize the trip properly at that time?
S: No.
T: Why do you think so?
S: Wang Kun said “Now I know that the proper way is always her way”.
T:What is her way?
S: She didn’t care about details instead of giving a determined look, not changing her mind and thinking that it would be an interesting experience when heard about trouble.
T:What about Wang Kun’s way?
S: looked for information first and then talked with his sister.
T: Wang Kun didn’t believe her sister could give proper way and why did Wang Kun give in?
S: Once she had made up her mind, nothing can change it.
T: In Wang Kun’s eyes, what kind of man Wang Wei is?
S: Stubborn.
T: Did Wang Kun like such a person?
S: He likes.
T: How do you know?
S: Wang Kun said “Now I know that the proper way is always her way”.
T: So in Wang Kun’s eyes, the stubborn shortcoming always plays an important role in making up mind.
【说明】本片段节选自第二段即计划些什么。Now I know that the proper way is always her way这句话表面上看似是王坤对王薇不同时间段的不同认识,实则是在介绍两个人的不同性格﹑不同性格计划的方向不同以及不同性格对计划实施产生不同的作用。
3. 大有文章的承接
【案例4】必修教材第一模块Unit1 Reading: Anne’s Best Friend这篇文章由安妮为什么选择日记作为她的朋友以及她的一篇日记这部分组成。讲述了犹太女孩安妮为躲避纳粹的迫害而藏身小阁楼25个月,
1) Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend.(承接)
T: What does the first kind in the last sentence refer to?
S: A friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts.
T: What could Anne do in her diary?
S: She could tell everything like your deepest feelings and thoughts to her diary.
T: Why didn’t she choose man like her classmates to tell everything to?
Ss: Maybe she had no friends or classmates; maybe she had no chance to meet her friends or classmates.
T: And why she had no friend or no chance to meet her friend.
S: Anny was Jewish and Nazis wanted to catch her.
T: Great. Let’s read the next paragraph and find out more information.
2) I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I was here. (承接)
…For example, …
T: What does that in the last sentence refer to?
S: A deep blue sky, the song of birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.
T: What did that turn into?
S: I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.
T: What made me change?
S: Because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long.
T: That’s my attitude towards nature changed.
S: Yes.
T: What may the next paragraph talk about?
S: A time when I was crazy about everything to do with nature when I was here.
【说明】在Anne’s Best Friend 中不管是第一部分的背景介绍还是第
二部分的安妮日记正文,它的关键词都是feeling。那么,教师要有意识地培养学生抓住主线,挖掘有价值的文本信息。Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend这句话的起到承上启下的作用。承接上面的内容即选择日记为情感倾述对象,引出下面的事实即为什么选择日记作为情感倾述对象。That’s changed since I was here 也起到同样的作用。在引导学生整理主人公情感态度变化的同时,还引导学生运用预测这一评判性阅读策略。在这个过渡阶段,开展对内容的预测有利于评判性阅读教学。
【案例5】必修教材第一模块Unit3 Reading: Journey Down Mekong。
1) It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. Now she is planning our schedule for the trip.(承接)
T: What is the trip?
S: To cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.
T: Why did they choose to cycle?
S: Because they had a dream about taking a bike trip.
T: Why did they choose to travel along the Mekong River?
S: Because last year Wang Wei visited their cousins who grew up in western Yunnan province near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river called the Mekong River in other countries.
T: You know when she visited there she was interested in it.
S: Yes.
T: Did they have the plan for the trip?
S: Yes.
T: How do you know?
S: Wang Wei is planning the schedule now.
T: So what will the following be about?
S: About planning the schedule.
T:Can you guess how did she plan the schedule?
Ss: she planned with her brother; she surfed on the internet.
【说明】Journey Down the Mekong PartⅠThe dream and the plan,题目显示的是两方面的内容即梦想与计划,但这篇文章主要讲的是The plan of journey down the Mekong,而梦想只在第一段的第一句话有所涉及。其实第一段是谈论计划的准备,第二段是计划些什么,第三段是计划的实施。这个任务的设计帮助学生有效地把握文本主线,做到了对文本结构的分析。
必修教材第一模块Unit4 的中心话题是Earthquakes, 该单元阅读课标题是: A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep,叙述了1976年的唐山大地震,全文包括震前预兆、震中损伤及震后救助等内容。
Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei. (概括)… But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night. (转折).
At 3:42 am everything began to shake. It seemed as if the world was at an end. (概括). …
But how could the survivors believe it was natural? Everywhere?they?looked?nearly?everything?was?destroyed. (概括) …Then, later that afternoon, another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one shook Tangshan. (承接) …
All hope was not lost. (概括) … slowly, the city began to breathe again.
Activity one: find out the key sentence of each paragraph.
Activity two: read each paragraph carefully and answer the following questions.
Q1: What strange things happened?
Q2: Why would people ignore strange signs?
Q3: What the world become after earthquake? Give specific information.
Q4: How did survivor think of the natural disaster?
Q5: What were survivors worried about?
Q6: What did survivors’ hope lie in?
Activity three: sum up the whole passage
【说明】A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep这篇文章的特点是全文结构清晰,内容层层相扣,理解较为简单。学生在快速阅读之后基本能找到这个段落的主题句。根据主题句细读每一段可以整体有效地把握文章内容。最后设计写概要促使学生运用评判性阅读策略。
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